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Changelog (Free)

You can check latestchange log of free version at here:

Version 2.4.5

Version 2.4.4

Version 2.4.3

Version 2.4.2

Version 2.4.1

Version 2.4

Improved: Rewrite overall JS code.
Added: AI translation button inside popup.
Tweak: Minor Textual changes.

Version 2.3.3

Tweak: Minor Textual changes.

Version 2.3.2

Improved: Tested upto WP version 6.2.
Tweak: Minor Textual changes.
Fixed: minor bug fixes.

Version 2.3.1

Fixed: scripts not loading in another language

Version 2.3

Improved: Overall Code improvements.
Removed: No need to activate the free version with PRO anymore.
Fixed: Large string translation merge bug.

Version 2.2.3

Fixed: License notice issue

Version 2.2.2

Fixed: Minor ID bug fixes

Version 2.2

Added: Updated Yandex new translation API
Fixed: unable to translate issue with Yandex
Improved: tested upto WordPress 5.7

Version 2.1.3


  1. Compatibility issues with WordPress 5.6
  2. Unable to save string issue with WordPress 5.6 version

Version 2.1.2

Fixed: Compatibility issues with Loco Translate 2.4.6

Version 2.1.1

Fixed: Compatibility issues with Loco Translate 2.4.4

Version 2.1


  1. Integrated new Auto Translation
  2. Added support for Loco Translate Latest version


Compatibility issues with Loco Translate


  1. Removed Extra Code
  2. Improved custom.js

Version 2.0.1

Notice Added: Addon is currently compatible with only Loco Translate official plugin version 2.4.0, the new compatible update will be available soon.

Version 2.0


  1. Addon is now compatible with only Loco Translate version 2.4.0
  2. Code improvements

Added: Yandex Page Translate Widget (unlimited translations without API)


  1. API settings panel (now you can use the plugin without the API key)
  2. IBM Watson translator support
  3. Loco Translate Older version notices
  4. Test API settings
  5. All APIs

Updated: Major JS changes

Version 1.9.1

Fixed: Minor notice change

Version 1.9 


  1. 404 not found bug with IBM translate.
  2. Unable to disable review notice bug.

Updated: Updated settings panel and translate popup content.

Removed: HTML string translation support.

Added: Added some checks in strings.


  1. Improved IBM translation process.
  2. Improved: Minor JS improvements.

Version 1.8


  1. IBM Watson Translator API support.
  2. Notice! Yandex Translate API v1 is deprecated.

Fixed: Bug fixes.


  1. Endpoint updates.
  2. Code improvements.

Version 1.7.5

Fixed: Notice bug fixed.
Updated: Minor settings updates.

Version 1.7.3

Updates: Minor textual changes.

Version 1.7.1

Fixed: Index per request not working issue.
Updated: Updated new logo and all assets.

Version 1.7


  1. Chinese languages support.
  2. Supported singular and plural string translation.
  3. Added admin notices.
  4. Added support for the major language.
  5. Added Punjabi, Kannada, Irish, and Malayalam language support in Microsoft Translator.


  1. % s and s % space after special characters problem.
  2. Wrong index updates with multiple strings.


  1. Improved string translation.
  2. Overall code improvements.
  3. Optimized settings panel.

Updated: Textual changes.

Version 1.6


1. Integrated Microsoft Translation API support.
2. Plain text translation support %s,%d placeholders.
3. Integrated API testing button in the settings panel.
4. Added error handling messages.
5. Integrated sweet alert popup.
6. Supported %s,%d placeholder strings in Google Translate.
7. Microsoft translation settings.

Improved: Review notice and updated wrong spelling.

Version 1.5


  1. Integrated Google Translation API support.
  2. Integrated reset translation strings button.
  3. Integrated characters available characters limit in translation popup.
  4. Google API settings in the settings panel.
  5. Norwegian language support.


  1. Translation popup.
  2. Code Improvements.
  3. Deactivation popup.
  4. Textual changes.

Fixed: Minor bugs.

Version 1.4.1

Fixed: Minor JS bug fixes.

Version 1.4


  1. Integrated HTML string translation feature.
  2. Supported Norwegian and other missing languages.
  3. Integrated translation settings popup.


  1. Optimized code.
  2. Updated preloader.


  1. Unsaved string highlighting the issue.
  2. minor JS issues.
  3. Wrong characters calculation bug.

Version 1.3.2


  1. Integrated URL and link filters in string.
  2. Added string filters.


  1. JS code.
  2. Feedback from.

Fixed: Minor issues.

Version 1.3


  1. Integrated translated characters stats tables.
  2. Extend characters limit with premium license key.
  3. Integrated namespace.
  4. Not interested button in review popup.
  5. Integrated premium license key manager.
  6. Added security checks in every request.
  7. Integrated nonce in ajax request.
  8. Improved: Improved translation issues.


  1. Improved overall code.
  2. Added new screenshots.


  1. Minor translation issues.
  2. Minor JS errors.
  3. Compatibility issues with WordPress 5.3

Version 1.2.1

Fixed: Instant review popup notification bug fixed.

Version 1.2


  1. Mismatch translation strings in Turkish.
  2. Minor JS issues.

Improved: Minor textual changes.
Added: Feedback on plugin deactivation.

Version 1.1


  1. Integrated automatic translation progress bar popup
  2. Batch translation of all untranslated words in a single click.


  1. Issue with HTML translation.
  2. Minor javascript issues.

Version 1.0.2

Fixed: Translations issues with the Chinese language.

Version 1.0

New: Initial plugin release.